Unscientific weight loss methods such as taking slimming pills, dieting, liposuction, etc. will not only fail to maintain the good figure that has been lost, but will also cause great harm to the body. Experts from Jianzhidang pointed out that there is actually no need to "torture" yourself. As long as you arrange a reasonable meal and insist on replacing sugar and fatty foods with foods that are beneficial to weight loss, you can achieve the goal of healthy weight loss!

Research has proven that whole grains are beneficial to weight loss. Regular consumption of whole grains can play a role in losing weight and lowering fat. At the same time, coarse grains are richer in various vitamins than refined grains.

So which foods are whole grains?

Coarse grains are a term relative to "fine grains" such as rice, wheat, and white flour, including corn, sorghum, millet, buckwheat, oats, Xiaomai, potatoes, and various legumes.

To explore the mechanism by which whole grains can help lose weight, the main reason is that whole grains are rich in dietary fiber. Taking corn as an example, its fiber is 4-10 times higher than that of refined rice and refined flour. And dietary fiber can:

Whole grains are the first choice for weight loss

1) Hindering nutrient absorption: In food in the gastrointestinal tract, while dietary fiber absorbs water, it also absorbs many nutrients, hindering nutrient absorption. In addition, the indigestible substances in dietary fiber are often the carbon sources needed for the proliferation of anaerobic microorganisms. The proliferation of a large number of bacteria in the intestines can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and reduce the intestinal digestion and absorption of nutrients.

2) Cannot or rarely obtain energy from them:People mainly obtain dietary fiber from plant-source foods such as fruits, vegetables and grains, among which digestible plant fiber contains very much energy. Low. Therefore, people derive very little energy from it. Although crude fiber is rich in energy, because the human body does not have fiber-decomposing enzymes, it cannot decompose crude fiber, and therefore cannot obtain energy from it.

3) Promote gastrointestinal motility:The water-holding capacity of dietary fiber has a sponge function and canIt regulates the absorption of glucose and fat by the intestinal wall, promotes lipolysis, accelerates gastrointestinal motility, and has a very obvious lipid-lowering effect.